Strong Holiday-Linked Focus Presently on Drunk Drivers in Indiana


Some Indiana motorists occasionally cross the legal line when it comes
to alcohol consumption before driving. They certainly aren’t enthused
about what is currently unfolding on roadways across the state.

On the flip side, drivers not in that category don’t mind at all. In
fact, they’re probably fans of the elevated police presence they are
seeing now that emerges annually in the late summer and runs through Labor
Day. It is centrally marked by roving/saturation patrols and sobriety

That initiative is an enforcement campaign termed Drive Sober of Get Pulled
Over. Drive Sober is a national mass-mobilization effort sponsored each
year by the federal National Highway Traffic Safety Administration undertaken
in conjunction with police agencies in the various states.

Indiana’s participation in the crackdown is large. Reportedly, about
230 police departments spanning the state take part in Drive Sober. Additional
assistance is offered by the Indiana State Police.

stated goal is to make state roads safer by identifying and arresting drunk drivers. That focus proceeds from the harsh reality that thousands of motorists
and their passengers, as well as many motorcyclists, bicyclists and pedestrians,
are seriously injured or lose their lives each year owing to intoxicated drivers.
Wrongful deaths tied to DUI-linked incidents are a sad and preventable scourge.

If you or a loved one are involved in an accident due to the negligence
of another driver (for any reason, including drinking and driving), contact
the experienced attorneys at Tabor Law Firm.

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