What To Do When You Receive a Health Insurance Subrogation Notice After A Car Accident?

You may be surprised to open the mail one day and you have a notice from your health insurance of a lien or subrogation. Don’t be alarmed. Your health insurance has a right to be paid back for medical bills that they have paid for treatment that is related to an auto accident. This notice is just letting you know that they want to be paid in the event you obtain a settlement from a third party. You now have a duty to make sure they are repaid from the settlement. It is possible that the health insurer will also put the liability company on notice of their rights to reimbursement. It is preferred that you have a person injury attorney handle the liens to conclusion to maximize your client net.
There are different types of health insurance liens, so you want to be sure that you provide this notice to your personal injury lawyer immediately. If it is an ERISA plan, then they have specific language allowing them to be paid back one hundred percent from the settlement, however, your injury lawyer can speak with the plan and work out a proposed reduction of the lien. An injury lawyer can also have them provide certain documents to prove the plan has a right to subrogation. Although sometimes it seems impossible, injury lawyers work on these matters daily and can help get you the best outcome possible.
If you have not spoken with an Indiana personal injury lawyer, one of our experienced lawyers would be happy to speak with you at Tabor Law Firm. We have decades of experience with car crash accidents and can take the burden of handling these matters off your hands so that you only need to worry about your recovery. Contact us today for your free consultation.
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