C. Warren Holland (1928 – 2020)
It is with a heavy heart that I relay to you the passing of C. Warren Holland.
One of the difficult things about growing older is living long enough to watch those who proceed you pass.
Warren was by all accounts one of the finest trial lawyers to ever practice in Indiana. It was my pleasure to try several cases with Warren in the late ’70s and early ’80s. It was a pleasure to watch Warren apply his craft on behalf of clients. His excellence was grounded in his imaginative intellect, tireless work ethic, and oratorical gifts. He successfully used those gifts on behalf of the injured and grieving throughout Indiana.
I am proud to say Warren was my mentor and largely responsible for whatever success I’ve enjoyed as a lawyer. When I told him that he just laughed and dismissed the idea in keeping with a sense of humor and humility.
Warren proceeded his son, Mike Holland, in death, who now practices with us here at Tabor Law Firm. Mike is the embodiment of the spirit and talent for which Warren was well known throughout the legal community.
His death ushers in the end of an era for me and many others who knew him, respected him, and love him. The injured and the grieving have lost one of their champions. He was a true mensch. Our condolences to all of the family members.
Roy Tabor
Founding Partner
Tabor Law Firm