Indiana Car-Deer Crashes Spike Every Year at This Time
The last couple months and push toward the New Year annually bring some
unfortunate recurring potential dangers for Indiana motorists.
As we near towards the end of the year, there is typically a spike in the
number of deer related accidents in the early months of winter.
How common are deer-vehicle collisions in Indiana?
Some readers might be surprised by this number: Reportedly, there were
more than 14,000
car accidents involving deer in the state last year. And the number is already above 8,000 in 2017, with weeks still
to go in the calendar year.
Can you routinely avoid a deer-crash crash?
No, you can’t, unfortunately.
But there are things you can do to lessen the chance of collision. Driving
with high beams on is recommended. Slowing down, carefully scanning, being
especially alert in the early morning and late afternoon — these driving
behaviors all help reduce the odds of a deer-related crash.
Not all motorists take such advice to heart, an in turn as a result other
persons may be injured each year because of third-party negligence. It
is not uncommon for drivers to swerve wildly when a deer is close at hand,
or to make other bad decisions that increase risks for drivers, pedestrians
and other parties nearby.
Tragic consequences can happen when that occurs.
The attorneys at Tabor Law in Indianapolis provide strong and knowledgeable legal representation
to individuals and families who are adversely affected by the negligent
or reckless driving behaviors of others. As we note on our firm’s
website, we are proven advocates for injury victims hurt “due to
an accident or event that could have been avoided.”
We wish all our readers safe and happy traveling throughout the remainder
of this busy holiday season.