What Insurance Adjusters Won’t Tell You [5 Key Takeaways]

If another person or entity behaves recklessly or negligently and causes a car accident, you could end up with unnecessary injuries and hardships. Dealing with the insurance company as you go through the injury claim process can be daunting for victims. We’ll discuss five common items insurance adjusters won’t tell you, so you can maintain your right to seek a financial award.
1. Their Initial Financial Settlement Offer Usually Is Low
Insurance adjusters know that some accident victims simply want to put the case behind them quickly. They try to exploit this by giving you a financial offer that barely covers your medical costs.
Typically, the initial financial offers from insurance companies are far lower than the amount they’re actually willing to pay.
2. You Don’t Have To Accept Any Settlement Offer
The insurance adjusters may imply that a settlement offer is a take-it-or-leave-it proposition. They may insinuate that if you don’t accept the financial offer, you won’t gain any money.
Instead, think about a settlement offer from the insurer as a starting point in negotiations. You have the right to refuse any offer and make your own counter-offer. If negotiations fail, you have the right to go to trial.
3. They May Use Your Statements Against You
Insurance adjusters like to frequently ask you questions about the accident. Some of the questions may sound redundant to you, and they probably are.
The adjusters are trying to see if you’ll slightly change your story about the accident or your injuries. They then use that information to try to reduce the amount they pay for a claim.
If you initially said in the police report that you weren’t sure who was at fault, they may try to trick you into making statements where you admit fault. If you said you did not need medical treatment after your auto accident, but you later discovered injuries, they may try to use the original statement against you.
You have the right to defend yourself against these accusations by clarifying the record with the help of your attorneys.
4. They Are Not Looking Out for Your Interests
The insurance adjusters may act friendly. They may ask you about your personal life and show sympathy for your injuries and hardships. They hope to gain your trust so you’ll believe them when they tell you that a certain settlement offer is the highest amount that’s available.
Always remind yourself that adjusters work for the insurance company. They do not have your interests in mind. Adjusters protect the company’s bottom line above all else.
5. Insurance Adjusters Won’t Tell You That You Have the Right To Call a Lawyer
Insurance adjusters may tell you that they will help you receive a settlement offer. They likely will never mention your right to seek legal representation in your case.
Insurance companies prefer that you represent yourself in negotiations. You probably are going through a personal injury case for the first time. If you don’t hire an injury attorney, the insurer may try to take advantage of your lack of experience in these cases.
Call Tabor Law Firm for Help With Your Injury Case
After an accident where you suffered injuries because of someone else’s negligent behavior, you have the right to seek a personal injury insurance claim. If you are leery about what insurance adjusters won’t tell you about your right to seek a financial award, our personal injury law firm can help. Speak with our personal injury lawyers at Tabor Law Firm today. We offer a free case review. Call us at (317) 236-9000 or contact us through our web form.
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