Always Nice to Report a Positive SCI-Linked Outcome


Spinal cord injuries are often catastrophic and life-changing, and for obvious reasons.

We note why that is true on our personal injury website at Tabor Law Firm
in Indianapolis.

For starters, we duly point out that the spinal cord is “the central
hub” for the body’s nervous system. When it is injured, the system
often has a hard time communicating with brain impulses that control body

And here’s something, too, of course: When the spinal cord is badly
injured (as it frequently is in a spine-related injury frequently following
high-impact accidents), extremely serious outcomes can result.

In some cases, those include partial or even total paralysis.

We pass along in today’s post a recent
story about a former college football player who was paralyzed in a game back in 2010. Eric LeGrand is now 27.

Despite the obstacles he faces, LeGrand is known and respected as an optimistic
fighter who never gives up, and keeps high hopes for the future. LeGrand
recently reached the impressive milestone of raising $1 million through
his Team LeGrand charity. All the money is targeted for spinal cord injury
research efforts made through the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation.

That kind of news is always good to hear, as are stories that spotlight
advances made in SCI treatments and therapies.

Good news is tempered by reality, though, and it should never be forgotten
that many SCI victims need ongoing assistance to help them with life-long

Our law firm always stands ready to assist individuals and families affected
by a SCI, working tirelessly and compassionately on behalf of our clients
who have suffered spinal cord injuries because of another party’s
negligent behavior.

And we note on our website that, in doing so, we always take a “big
picture” approach in the work we do, taking into account every way
this devestating injury can impact both the victim and their family’s lives.

That means strong efforts to obtain a maximum legal recovery for every
client we are privileged to assist. We can help you when you need it the most.
Contact us today for a free case evaluation.


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