Road Construction Sign Causes a Bicyclist’s Wrongful Death
Tabor Law Firm successfully represented the Estate of a man who was killed when his bicycle collided with a bus. The bicyclist was traveling on the a sidewalk on the east side of Meridian Street in Indianapolis when he encountered a "Road Construction Ahead" sign, which obstructed nearly the entire sidewalk. He attempted to ride past the sign, but his bike came in contact with something on the base of or on the sign and lost control of his bike. As he lost balance, he leaned to the left, and the front of his bicycle went partially into the street. A bus traveling the same direction on Meridian Street was stopped at the intersection of Meridian and 29th street, and as the bus proceeded to pull forward, the bike and the front passenger side bumper of the bus collided. The bicyclist's head was crushed under the wheel of the bus, and was killed as a result of the collision.
Tabor Law firm represented the Estate of this bicyclist and filed a Complaint for damages against Indiana Public Transportation Corporation, Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation, E & B Paving, Inc., Tri-Mack Corporation, City of Indianapolis and Indiana Department of Transportation. The complaint stated The State of Indiana and the Indiana Department of Transportation had jurisdiction and control over Meridian Street for the purposes of a road reconstruction and resurfacing construction project. E & B Paving was the contractor engaged to carry out the resurfacing project. E & B Paving subcontracted with Tri Mack for the provision, erection, servicing and removal of construction signs including the sign at issue. Defendants, Tri-Mack, E & B Paving and the State/INDOT were all responsible for the installation, inspection, maintenance and removal of the sign, and for the safety of the public. The City was also responsible for the condition of the sidewalks.
With the assistance of Tabor Law Firm, The Estate of the bicyclist was able to procure a settlement for his wrongful death that allowed his children financial security and helped compensate them for their devastating loss.